#TheChris100 Presents: Mission To Pluto LiveBlog


Hey everyone, Chris here. For the past few months I've been trying to figure out what to do with this here #TheChris100 blog during the 10 months of the year where I'm not compiling or posting the list. The obvious answer is to do some wrestling blogging like the stupid nerd I am. So that's what I'm doing, and for the launch of #TheChris100 Blog, what's more pro wrestling than a stupid gimmick that goes on for too long and tests the patience of everyone involved?

That's right, baby: We're going to Pluto. Pluto TV is one of my favorite services in the world. It's a completely free streaming site/app with a bunch of channels where you can watch anything from low budget foreign horror flicks to a channel that's nothing but American Gladiators. They've got music video channels, old sitcoms, Yu-Gi-Oh!, a wide variety of cop show channels and a channel that's dedicated to footage taken from the front of Scandinavian passenger trains. It's got everything you want, including pro wrestling. There are three wrestling channels on Pluto: Impact, AAA and Pluto Pro Wrestling.

Those first two channels are self-explanatory; they only air events from Impact Wrestling and Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide. The Pluto Pro Wrestling channel is a more recent addition, and it airs a variety of stuff (some of which is from the IndependentWrestling.TV catalog, like some Beyond shows). The other night when I was scouting it out they aired a bunch of WCWA Cactus Jack matches

I am going to watch nothing but these three channels for the next 12 hours and liveblog about it here and on Twitter (@fighthaskins). Here are the rules:

1. The wrestling must take up at least 50% of whatever screen I am watching at the time (TV, phone, or computer)

2. I can switch channels between matches, but once I am watching a match I cannot flip. So if there's a commercial break or ring entrances or a video package I can change channels but once the bell rings, that's it. I'm stuck

3. I can alter my mind with whatever substances I feel fit, but doing things like purposefully getting really daydrunk to force myself into a nap is off limits. No naps. I will penalize myself if I do pass out.

4. I can briefly excuse myself for short periods of time (hopefully no longer than 15-20 minutes) to do things like cook or walk my dog, but even during breaks I should be booting up Pluto on my phone whenever possible.

I have a few different set-ups to watch things depending on my comfort level at the time. While I'm watching on my desktop I'll be updating this liveblog relatively frequently. If I move to the couch to watch on the TV, I probably won't update as much because I'll be on my phone and I hate typing long messages. I will still keep notes and update this post with said notes when I return to the desktop, where I'm hoping to watch most of this nonsense.

I'm going to start this off officially at 2 p.m. eastern time, but for now let's preview what's on the three channels right now (1:25):

Impact: Slammiversary 2005, specifically the King of the Mountain match. Monty Brown pinned Sean Waltman to send him to the penalty as I tuned in.

Pro Wrestling: Tiger Mask W, the pro wrestling anime. I hadn't even considered the possibility that stuff like this would be on the Pluto Pro Wrestling channel. It could really provide a change-of-pace if they're still airing episodes later in the day and I get sick of other wrestling.

AAA: An episode of Lucha Capital, the tournament TV show that AAA was doing in 2018 and 2019. It was between matches, but I got to see Vampiro chatting in the crowd.

1:55 PM - Deciding on how I want to start. AAA still has Lucha Capital on for a bit, Pro Wrestling has Tiger Mask W. It looks like Impact has an episode from April 2005 airing, so I think that's most appealing for me right now because I watched a bunch of Lucha Capital when it happened. In the meantime, they've got an LAX (Ortiz and Santana version) vs. Rascalz match from probably 2019 airing between the Slammiversary ending and this episode.

2:00 PM - Just kidding, I'm starting off on AAA because my pal Bucky told me they were playing Smash Bros. I changed channels even though the LAX match wasn't over, but it's okay because I hadn't officially started the clock yet.

2:06 PM - Bucky wasn't lying. They are, in fact, playing Super Smash Bros. on AAA. El Robot defeated El Lobo in the first match I watched, but this must be a best of three thing because they're still going.

2:09 PM - El Lobo takes the next match. I think I tuned in in media res and I don't speak Spanish so I'm not sure how many matches they've played or are playing.

2:12 PM - El Lobo takes the third. They're playing again, so it's more than a best-of-3 series. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to turn this off by my own rules. Does Smash Bros. count as a wrestling match? I'm pretty sure Hugo Savinovich is on commentary here, so it has the wrestling match feel.

2:16 PM - El Lobo takes three in a row, they shake hands and there's a commercial, so I'm going to turn on Impact. Giving the AAA Smash Bros. match a ***1/4 rating.

2:22 PM - X division mainstay Sonjay Dutt vs. former WCW/WWF jobber Buck Quartermain. I've always liked Sonjay so I had some fun watching this. Quartermain is still a jobber, gets a little offense in because he's bigger but Dutt takes care of him with a rana and quick pin. Not the kind of match I'd normally feel like rating but maybe a **3/4-***?

2:30 PM - HE'S HERE!!!!!

2:32 PM - The One, The Outlaw, Cute Kip, Mr. Ass, Rockabilly himself Billy Gunn squashes the hell out of Mikey Batts. The Road Dogg B.G. James comes out with Ron Killings and Konnan, Konnan vs. the Outlaw next week. This is beautiful.

2:37 PM - Dusty Rhodes promises greatness at the next PPV Hard Justice. I can't focus on anything other than this look from him:

2:40 PM - Jeff Jarrett is here talking about his victims list. Jeff Jarrett is the chairman of evil pro.

2:46 PM - Main event of The Naturals (Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens w/ Chris Candido) vs. America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) for the tag titles. Hard to focus on the match. Candido's in a cast from his injury he sustained at Lockdown. He died mere days after this was taped, and the episode actually aired the day after he passed. Harsh reminders of the tragedies in wrestling.

3:01 PM - An hour in and Pluto scheduling is already getting weird. Despite it being top of the hour and the May 6 episode being up on the schedule, the main event isn't over, they go to a break and I'm watching an "Impact! Plus: Wildest Moments" clip of Brian Urlacher in Impact. 

3:06 PM - Candido gets involved to give The Naturals a win and the title belts. With the context around this episode it's all very bittersweet.

3:09 PM - Sticking with Impact for a bit because I want to watch The Outlaw vs. Konnan. Probably gonna switch to AAA after.

3:13 PM - The Monster Abyss vs. Cassidy Riley, who worked WCW a bit and would later be a WWE developmental guy under the name Kassidy James. Easy squash, Abyss wins with the Black Hole Slam. It was fine. I just want The Outlaw vs. Konnan.

3:20 PM - The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels on commentary for a contest between Sonjay Dutt and CMLL vet Shocker, who is challenging Daniels for the X Division belt at Hard Justice. Match was fine. Shocker gets a clean win in an 8 minute match. I just want The Outlaw vs. Konnan.

3:32 PM - A Raven promo on Jeff Hardy isn't The Outlaw vs. Konnan, but it is a Raven promo, so it's extremely sick.

3:42 PM - Pluto TV commercials have been running for ten straight minutes. I just want The Outlaw vs. Konnan. Also, I just saw an ad for IMVU, the 3D avatar messaging app that I remember being advertised on MySpace.

3:46 PM - Jarrett/Styles sit-down interview with Mike Tenay. Jarrett welcomes Tito Ortiz to Planet Jarrett. Jarrett repeatedly interrupts AJ and security half-assedly breaks them apart.

3:50 PM - Main event time - Chris Sabin vs. Michael Shane????? Did they cover the Konnan/Outlaw match with ads? Scrambling to turn AAA on before the match starts, because I can't tolerate this.

3:56 PM - AAA is currently just a guy walking around the crowd asking people if they like rudos vs. technicos. One woman simply stated she liked Vampiro. Smart woman.

4:00 PM - Too much downtime for AAA so I'm watching Tiger Mask W.

4:04 PM - This episode starts with a "divas match" between "Queen Elizabeth" and "Payne Fox" and yup it's just Charlotte and Becky Lynch:

4:11 PM - The point of the joshi segment was to serve a plot point of the women having their match cut short by the evil promoter so Tiger Mask would have to wrestle the main event on less rest. They still delivered in the time they did get. ***1/2

4:17 PM - Main event is Tiger Mask vs. Yellow Demon. Tiger Mask actually became Tiger Mask to defeat the Yellow Demon. After an uncharacteristic start from Tiger, he comes back after he stops wrestling against himself and focuses on the actual Yellow Demon.

4:20 PM - The bastard Yellow Demon headbutts Tiger Mask in the gut and tries choking him out. This isn't the Yellow Demon the crowd knows!

4:24 PM - Tiger counters the second choke and delivers a double knee in the corner and a codebreaker to knock Yellow Demon out!

4:27 PM - The Yellow Demon isn't Yellow Demon at all! It's Billy the Kidman! Tiger Mask wins the tournament. This is a fun little anime. I'm still upset about that Konnan match but I'm feeling better now.

4:35 PM - Flamita vs. Maximo vs. Willie Mack on Lucha Capital. A lot of people on my Twitter and Discord feeds are freaking out over some really good soccer game but I am doing this. I like all three wrestlers here fine enough. From my recollection of this tournament, many of the matches weren't great but they were solid fun. Flamita has some cool dives, Maximo does his schtick and Willie Mack moving like he does for his size is fun. It's a solid ***

4:58 PM - The next AAA match didn't interest me with Argenis and Rich Swann as the first two in (I think Nino Hamburguesa is the third man in the three-way), so I'm back to Impact. Tune back for a very chaotic gauntlet match where guys are coming in like ten seconds apart. A1 vs. Abyss vs. Apolo vs. Bobby Roode vs. Chris Sabin vs. David Young vs. Lance Hoyt vs. Michael Shane vs. Petey Williams vs. Trytan in a real mix of TNA stars and guys you've forgotten about with 3.5 ratings on Cagematch. The dogs are barking so I am going to investigate that.

5:05 PM - The dogs were barking to protect me from a small child on a tricycle and his dad, who were in front of the house. Abyss wins.

5:10 PM - Unfortunately they're not running Hard Justice in Pluto so it's the first episode of Impact post-Hard Justice.

Highlights from the PPV include: Raven beating Sean Waltman, The Naturals retaining against America's Most Wanted, Daniels retaining against Shocker, Abyss winning a battle royal, Abyss then beating Killings for the #1 contendership to the title, and Styles winning the belt off Jarrett

5:13 PM - Monty Brown vs. Sonny Siaki. Brown squashes him before I'm even done typing this.

5:14 PM - My friend Emily texted me to see if I can watch The Bachelorette live with her tonight. How do I explain to her that I can't because I will be six hours deep into a wrestling marathon on a free tv streaming service?

5:22 PM - AJ Styles comes out with the NWA Heavyweight title. Jarrett comes to challenge him for the rematch and Monty Brown ambushes Styles. Good. Get this loser away from the belt. Jarrett and Brown are the real deal, not this "AJ" chump. Abyss comes out and Black Hole Slams AJ. SEAN WALTMAN AND AMERICA'S MOST WANTED OUT NOW! This is my shit. This is everyone I want to see on my screen.

5:32 PM - Raven demands to be acknowledged as "the Wild Card." He goes on a rampage attacking commentators and officials before Dusty tries firing him. Raven says he quits. Roman Reigns declaring himself the Tribal Chief has nothing on Raven demanding to be acknowledged as the Wild Card.

5:38 PM - Christopher Daniels vs. Cassidy Riley. I am absolutely not a Chris Daniels fan but he's obviously a lot better here 16 years ago than the washed-up guy having snoozefests on ROH and AEW cards for the last however long. Riley gets a bit of offense before Daniels puts him away. Michael Shane runs in after, Chris Sabin makes the save. **1/2

5:48 PM - Team Canada (Eric Young & Petey Williams) vs. America's Most Wanted. Winners get The Naturals at Slammiversary. Don't care about Eric Young or Chris Harris really, but I'll gladly take some James Storm and Petey Williams action. Don West spends some of the match describing the King of the Mountain match gimmick and it will never get tiring how batshit insane that gimmick is. Fun match, well-paced, Williams steals it with a roll-up. ***1/2.

6:00 PM - Main event of the episode, Abyss vs. Chris Sabin. Once again moving behind schedule, Slammiversary 2005 is supposed to air again. I will likely go to the couch and watch that on the TV, so I won't update the liveblog for an hour or two. As said earlier, I will keep notes and update whenever I do come back to the desktop. Michael Shane runs in, Jarrett offers his hand but Abyss Black Hole Slams him. Seemed like a fine match, I was mostly focused on eating pizza. Four hours down. 1/3 of the marathon down, 2/3 to go.

6:15 PM - Amazing Red vs. Delirious vs. Elix Skipper vs. Jerrelle Clark vs. Shark Boy vs. Zach Gowen. This was a really fun six minute X Division scramble. Hit all the notes you want something like this to hit without overstaying its welcome. I've seen so many indie scrambles inspired by matches like this and it outclasses so many matches that have come since so easily. Red obviously is a star but I thought everyone had solid moments, especially Gowen's dives. ***1/4

6:29 PM - Alex Shelley vs. Shocker. This is a legitimate hidden gem and easily the best match I've seen all day. This is Shelley's first match in TNA that year and he's looking really hungry, and Shocker is a lot more inspired than the match I saw him in earlier. Some fantastic, high energy work. Smooth transitions, good nearfalls. Lost my mind for 10 minutes. Exactly what you want from a match like this. None of the English reviews I've seen of this show even mention this match, which is completely wild. ****1/4 maybe.

6:54 PM - The Outlaw vs. Ron Killings. Over four hours after I last saw him, I finally get another Outlaw match since Pluto decided I didn't need to see the Konnan match. This is a fun enough match. They don't go too hard. It's just here to further tease whether or not B.G. James is really with 3 Live Kru. **1/2

7:20ish PM - Naturals vs. Team Canada (Young/Williams). Because the Naturals have no charisma and they don't have a manager anymore, they tease a surprise new manager. Then they have an extremely boring match for 15 minutes (plus commercial breaks from Pluto). The manager is Jimmy Hart. I hated this. I had a headache and felt extremely tired so I grabbed some coffee and Tylenol to try to miss the finish and there were still five minutes in the match after I left. *3/4

7:44 PM - Samoa Joe vs. Sonjay Dutt. This is Joe's debut in TNA and commentary hypes him up big as the long-time ROH champ and a stone-cold killer, and that's what Joe does. Dutt gets a few moments here but Joe's here to murk him with a bunch of power moves before submitting him, and he does. He looks great. ***1/4

7:59 PM - Lance Hoyt vs. Bobby Roode. Another match I really couldn't be bothered with. It seemed fine, I've never liked either guy much in any era of their careers (except maybe Beer Money stuff for Roode), so this just seemed like a match where the match I imagined in my head when I saw the pairing. middle chunk of this show hasn't been great outside of Joe. **1/4

8:19 PM - America's Most Wanted vs. 3 Live Kru (B.G. James & Konnan). The Road Dogg, Konnan AND James Storm, a lot of rawness in the ring. James and Konnan's best stuff is behind them, but they do their thing and it's only a few minutes long, so I can't be as mad at this. Outlaw distracts Konnan ringside which gives AMW the advantage to win. James doesn't bump fists with Konnan and walks out alone instead of with Konnan or The Outlaw. Heavy drama. **1/2 I guess.

8:39 PM - Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin vs. Michael Shane for the X Division Championship. Already discussed my distaste for Daniels. Michael Shane is completely bland to me, but Jeff Jarrett loves him at this point in TNA, probably just hoping he can turn into his cousin Shawn. I've always liked Shelley way more than Sabin, but he's still a guy I enjoy and I certainly like him most out of anyone in this match. Match picks up once Shane is eliminated and the Very 2005 Catfight between Trinity and Traci is out of the way. Ends up being a solid enough X Division flyer type match, Sabin puts up a solid fight before he gets the Angel's Wings. **3/4

9:07 PM - Abyss vs. AJ Styles vs. Monty Brown vs. Raven vs. Sean Waltman in a King of the Mountain Match for the NWA World Heavyweight title. King of the Mountain is one of the all-time stupid gimmicks ever and I love it. Jarrett was arrested for assaulting a fan so he cannot be in the match, so Raven took his spot. 

9:23 PM - A good chunk into the match and boy this gimmick really is a hoot. Nothing like a bunch of dives and finishers to start a match that involves a "penalty box" if you get pinned. Impact needs to bring this shit back. It's been five years.

9:31 PM - Been a minute since I've seen this match. I can't believe they have AJ take two pinfalls in the same match. God everything about this match is so chaotic and fun. Overbooked finisher spam, whatever. It's fun, and RAVEN wins the goshdang title. Great match. ***3/4

9:41 PM - Because Impact is going back to Impact episodes I mostly already watched, I'm flipping to AAA to watch some Lucha Capital after a quick break to grab some food and go to the bathroom.

9:55 PM - Bengala defeats Abismo Negro Jr. and Mamba. I wasn't paying close enough attention to rate or have thoughts. It seemed fine. I was eating nachos.

9:59 PM - Keyra vs. Lady Shani vs. Vanilla. This seemed fine, though none of them are my favorite luchadoras in AAA. I missed the middle chunk of this match due to some streaming hiccups. I'll give it a tentative **3/4

10:24 PM - Carta Brava Jr. vs. Mr. Iguana vs. Octagon Jr.. Iguana and Octagon are two of the best flyers in Mexico, and Carta Brava Jr. always works as a heel base for guys like that. It's never quite as good when a Poder del Norte member works a singles match instead of as a tag or trio, but a three-way like this still gives him plenty of time to show off his skillset. Not gonna be anyone's best work but a solidly fun triple threat. Iguana does take a NUTS bump on the apron. ***1/4

10:42 PM - Murder Clown vs. Pagano vs. Psycho Clown. I'm super down for a clown vs clown vs clown matchup to end this show. This is a pretty fun match, Murder Clown probably gives the most and has some cool stuff. Pagano and Psycho have their moments. The crowd's into it, especially a big Murder Clown top rope dive and Psycho Clown giving Tirantes the business. ***1/4

11:11 PM - AAA channel is done running the Lucha Capital tournament shows for now and has moved into Lucha Fighter from last year. These were filmed secretly if I recall correctly because lucha promotions weren't allowed to run. There's guys in hazmat suits sanitizing the ring because this was like April:

11:20ish PM - Dinastia vs. Octagoncito. First round of the Lucha Fighter minis tournament. Dinastia is AAA's best mini and while it felt a bit disjointed, they did some cool stuff here and Dinastia came across well. ***

11:40ish PM - Getting bad about noting when matches start. Drago Boy vs. Laredo Boy is a lot weaker than the opener, looked just as disjointed but I think Octagoncito and especially Dinastia are a lot more polished. This was fine, but nothing you'd need to watch. **3/4

11:51 PM - Turning from AAA to our first venture with Pluto TV Pro Wrestling in hours. The Tiger Mask W marathon is about to end, and Urban Federation Wrestling, the brief Maybach Music Group-affiliated promotion, will begin at midnight. That seems like a perfect place to take the rest of the night.

12:02 AM - If you're not familiar with the UWF, it's a short-lived promotion that tried to combine indie wrestling with rap, and it unfortunately lasted less than a year. LEP Bogus Boys, Triple C's, Uncle Murda, Brisco, Melle Mel and more were involved with the promotion.

12:20 AM - after several very funny vignettes featuring rappers and wrestlers, it looks like we're finally doing something in ring! Two members of Billy Blue's crew are beefing, so they're having a match to see who leaves the crew: Buck Chyld vs. Steve Mack. Buck Chyld seems like a generic bigger bald white dude who basically only worked Maryland indies I've never seen. Mack is the much more experienced guy as a member of the Heavy Hitters and Da Hit Squad on the east coast indies. This is a pretty generic indie beef match. They do some power moves, they hit some forearm smashes. It's fine. I've seen a million of these matches. **1/2

12:33 AM - the late night pill ads have started now that we're past midnight. Billy Blue has his crew (Buck Chyld, Bestia and BLK Jeez) throttle Mack after the match. Jeez is initially hesitant to do it, but then it's revealed he's fucking Mack's girl and then he double stomps him and chokes him out. This is art.

12:41 AM - Brian XL & Lance Lude w/ 40 Glocc & Big Business vs. The SAT (Joel Maximo & Wil Maximo) w/ Grandmaster Melle Mel, Eddie Kingston & Facade. Eddie Kingston was really made for this promotion by the way. Brian XL is a former ROH guy who went on to found House of Glory. Lance Lude is a former ROH and CWF-MA guy who is most recently known as a member of the Ugly Ducklings. He's currently battling cancer; you can donate to his GoFundMe here. This version of the SAT is the second version. Jose Maximo was Joel's partner when they were working TNA and ROH; Wil took his place around 2010. The shots I did at midnight are starting to kick in. This is pretty fun. ***

12:56 AM - After The SAT wins, things get crazy in the ring as Melle Mel faces off with Big Business. There's brawling all throughout the ring. Brian XL and one of the Maximos take a bump off the Hammerstein Ballroom balcony

1:06 AM - BC Killer vs. Eddie Carnage in a Night Club Brawl. BC Killer is a California indie guy I've seen in a few deathmatch tournaments. Eddie Carnage sounds familiar but he doesn't have a Cagematch profile. He might only seem familiar because of his relatively generic name. A few matches I watched today had blood, but I'm glad to get an actual hardcore match in the last hour. There are a bunch of cameras right in peoples' faces in the crowd that are constantly being cut to and it is very annoying. It starts off as a pretty standard walk and brawl street fight with a lot of lighttubes and some link chain spots, but it works. Both guys get good color, and the match escalates really well. There's a broken toilet spot, which I'm always a sucker for. Eddie Carnage finishes the match by SETTING HIS OWN FOREARM ON FIRE and then hitting Killer. Fantastic stuff, giving it a ***3/4 just for that.

1:15 AM - 45 minutes to go. The next episode of UWF is starting. I might end up watching until it ends at 2:30, but I'm promptly stopping this blog as soon as 2:00 hits. Those drinks are reaaaaaally hitting right now and I have a feeling I will need to lay down soon.

1:20 AM - Facade vs. Bestia 666. Facade is the Neon Ninja, an indie scramble staple. Bestia is the Perros del Mal and La Familia de Tijuana member. This is a fun matchup. Half of the match isn't shown because they're too busy cutting to Billy Blue yelling at his crew that Bestia needs to come up with his money. This was taped before the last episode, so Steve Mack is still in Blue's crew. That kicks ass. When it does get in the ring, this isn't as fun as I was hoping, though Facade takes a sick table bump to finish the match. **3/4

1:34 AM - The ad I've seen the most in these 24 hours is for the Paramount Plus original film Infinite. That is not a particularly great film, but Wahlberg has a funny performance.

1:38 AM - Terror Squad member Cuban Link is here to get the crowd hype. I don't know if the crowd is just poorly mic'd (probably) but they barely sound like they're reacting to his call-and-response stuff.

1:39 AM - Ricky Reyes vs. Slyck Wagner Brown. Reyes is the ROH/PWG vet who wrestled in Lucha Underground as Cortez Castro. Brown is a vet who worked ROH and JAPW for a bit before becoming one of those guys who works places like Big Time Wrestling and Top Rope Promotions. He's part of Uncle Murda's crew. Julius Smokes commentary makes me want to die. Reyes eventually submits Brown, the match was never anything special. **1/2

1:51 AM - More vignettes, I don't think another match will start by the time 2:00 strikes. I was on Twitter lamenting the fact I wouldn't see Kingston wrestle, but this looks like it's building up Kingston vs. Homicide, a match that I absolutely would love to watch.

1:55 AM - Yup, Kingston vs. Homicide. Despite being in the ring together or across from each other dozens of times, this is only their second-ever singles match according to Cagematch, which makes it even more tempting to stay up

1:56 AM - Commercial break before the bell rings. Saved. If I'm really feeling like watching this later, I'll check it tomorrow. I'm outta here.

1:59 AM - Back from break, so I will watch the ring introductions before turning this off, I guess.

2:00 AM - Turned it off as soon as the clock struck. The first 30 seconds of the match seemed solid, and apparently it was a first blood match, but I'm wiped out.

And there it is. 12 straight hours of wrestling, all chosen by the fine folks who program Pluto TV channels. It could've been a lot worse! I got really tired halfway through the whole thing, but the King of the Mountain match and some coffee fixed everything. Outside of a couple matches on Slammiversary, nothing was too bad like I expected. It helped a lot that the Impact channel was running 2005 stuff instead of anything from the last decade. 

Here are the top 5 matches I watched:

1. Alex Shelley vs. Shocker

2. Abyss vs. AJ Styles vs. Monty Brown vs. Raven vs. Sean Waltman (King of the Mountain Match for the NWA World Heavyweight Title)

3. BC Killer vs. Eddie Carnage (Night Club Brawl)

4. Chris Harris & James Storm vs. Eric Young & Petey Williams

5. Carta Brava Jr. vs. Mr. Iguana vs. Octagon Jr.

Thank you to all who joined me on this journey.


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